- Project Name: Coaching the students from under-privileged area for the 2017 Gr 5 Scholarship
- Location: Kalkuda North (Vaharai ) zone , Batticaloa district, Eastern Province. Sri Lanka
- Description about project: On analyzing the previous performances in the above qualifying examination a Local NGO, EDS found out that some schools from remote areas performed very poorly. EDS developed a method to screen these students and provide additional coaching before they appear for the national exam. Students who performed poorly were gathered in few centers during weekend and taught by qualified teachers hired by EDS. 541 students from 19 schools, starting from Palchenai GTMS to Omadiyamadu Velmurugam Mahavithyalam , participated in this 30 days program.
- Objective of project: To provide a better chance for the students from remote areas of getting into the scholarship program.
- Funding information: CTCT realized the importance of education among the Tamils, agreed to fund this project at accost of C$ 4350.
- Initial Stage about project: Project started in May 2017 and ended in Aug 2017. Zonal director of education took special interest and initiated this program.
- Photo while project in progress:
- Project Completion Photo
- Outcome: See Media reports section for Report regarding after project analysis or below in outcome
- Proposal and Approval : EDS – Education Development Society is a Registered NGO based in Batticaloa, and has been providing quality educational assistance to under privileged children in the Eastern region for more than 14 years. Mr. Thevasingam President of EDS is specialist and retired OIC of the Research Unit in the Dept. of Education. EDS has a team of professionals from the education sector who assist EDS to design the programs based on analysis and reports from the Ministries.
Outcome and Analysis for Future Project improvement
2017 Gr 5 scholarship enrichment project by CTCT- A Report based on the analysis provided by EDS
CTCT in conjunction with Education Development Society – Batticaloa, conducted the above project in 2017. Aim of this project is to increase the number of Tamil students from underprivileged areas of Vanni and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka getting qualified for the Government scholarship. This program was conducted with the full co-operation of the department of Education in each province. Students performed poor in our selection process were admitted for this program. Following is List of Participants.
District | Zone | Division | No of Schools | Participants |
Kilinochi | Kilinochi | Poonahiri | 24 | 606 |
Batticaloa | Kalkuda | Koaralaippattu-North | 19 | 548 |
Thirukkovil | Thirukkovil | Poththuvil, Thirukkovil | 28 | 693 |
Aalaiyadivembu |
A common exam based on the curriculum for the Gr 5 students were conducted by EDS in all the schools targeted for this project. The schools participated enthusiastically and cooperated to conduct this program. Results from this exam were analysed by professionals from EDS to select the students. Based on the performances by students, teaching materials were prepared by EDS. Teachers for this program were given seminars by experts on the merit of the course materials and teaching strategy. Seminars were also conducted for the participants on the program. Students were given coaching in the week-ends in conveniently located centers organized by EDS. Classes were conducted for about 15 week-ends from May to mid August 2017.
After the details of the official results were released by the Government, EDS did an analysis to study the out come of this program and made some recommendations. Following are excerpts from the report by EDS:
- Kilinochi – Poonahiri division:
Comparing the results from 2016
Year | Participants | Eligible for Scholarship | Above 70 mark | Above 100 mark | Eligible |
2016 | 668 | 13 | 285(42.7%) | 130(19.4%) | 08 |
2017 | 598 | 21 | 366(61.3%) | 171(29%) | 09 |
Observation: Compared to previous years, 2017 results showed improvement in performance but a decrease in participation. Out of 24 schools participated only 9 were able produce scholarship recipients. This is a due to lack of resources and trained staff.
2. Thirukkovil Zone- Pothuvil, Thirukkovil and Aalayadivembu division:
Year | Participants | Eligible for Scholarship | Above 70 mark |
2016 | 1270 | 122 | 842(66%) |
2017 | 1077 | 104 | 622(57.1%) |
Observation: Compared to previous years, 2017 results are poor. Students participation also has decreased. Lack of support from some of the officials from the Ministry of Education could be one of the reason for this setback. But the news that for the first time a student from Alikkambai GTMS, a remote settlement of the aboriginal community, has scored 105 marks to get selected and another student got very close to the cut off mark, has given impetus to all of us. The credit goes to Mrs. Nitha Piranith and CTCT congratulate her for her effort.
3. Kalkuda Zone -Koralaippattu North division:
Year | Participants | Eligible for Scholarship | Above 70 mark |
2016 | 2399 | 114 | 974(40.6%) |
2017 | 2317 | 125 | 911(39.3% |
Observation: Even though the number of students that got the pass level has increased a bit, the number who got above 70% has dropped. From Vaaharai area only 5 schools out of 19 that participated produced tangible results. EDS had difficulties in bringing children regularly to the weekend classes due to lack of transport. Even though Mrs. Arunesarasa, the consultant for primary education for this area worked hard, lack of training for the teachers posed a hindrance for our effort. It is imperative to train staff not only in this area but generally to all those working in the remote areas.
Our Observation on this program: We found out from a report published by the Government of Sri Lanka on the success rate of the Gr 5 scholarship, the poorest performances in the country are the Vanni area and Eastern Provinces except the Schools in the Towns. These areas, we all know, have been neglected by the authorities for many years. These areas also paid a heavy price during and after the war. People in these areas are still struggling to meet the daily need for their livelihood. We came to know from a volunteer from Canada, that these areas lack even the basic infrastructure, clean water, health care and Education.
Education is essential for a community to come up. CTCT believe that providing uninterrupted Education for at least one child from a poor family, will help the entire family to survive. It is even better if the support can be given from young age. This is reason behind for CTCT to support this program.
Realizing the benefit of this program many more schools have written to EDS to include them for 2018. We understand from the report provided EDS on the 2018 proposal, about 55 schools in the Batticaloa area and about 500 schools from Trinco, Mannar, and Vanni area could join this program.
It wouldn’t have been possible for us to implement this project in 2017 without the active participation of the Ministry of Education, its higher officials, Principal of individual schools and the teachers from Both Northern and Eastern Provincial Governments. CTCT is taking this opportunity to thank them on behalf of all the donors.
CTCT and EDS is in discussion now to review the method of implementing this program for 2018. This will be massive undertaking for us to do it alone. We request all the support from our community to make this success and to ensure education to the neglected population.